Roseman Labs in Financial Services

Discover how banks and other institutions can collaborate to keep financial systems safe and efficient, while protecting the privacy of their clients.

Ensure robust financial systems

Banks, regulators and other financial organizations need to ensure that our financial systems remain robust and free of criminal activities. To optimally fulfil these roles they need data from one another. Sharing data between banks or with other parties is a challenge given strict banking and privacy regulation.

With Roseman Labs financial institutions can better fight money laundering or improve regulatory reporting, while staying compliant with relevant regulations.

Financial services square

Safer and more proportional reporting

Learn how regulators can analyze detailed client data from banks, without the need to centralize or transfer vast amounts of privacy sensitive information.

Improved KYC and AML processes

Learn how Roseman Labs enables you to collaborate with other banks and gatekeepers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of KYC and AML processes.

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  • Analyze vast amounts of data in the blink of an eye
  • Safely use sensitive data with state-of-the-art encryption
  • Gain new insights to make well informed decisions