Roseman Labs in other industries

Learn how Multi-Party Computation can enrich your data analysis, help you keep up with compliance regulations and deliver new insights across several industries.

Gemeente Rotterdam empowers educational development

Gemeente Rotterdam

By combining data from local daycare facilities and the Bureau for Youth & Family, the Municipality of Rotterdam can provide support for toddlers impacted by developmental delays.

Reduce sick leave and employee turnover

To support employee wellbeing, you need sensitive data from from different sources within your organization. Securely connect information from different departments to optimize employee health and development.

Close the lifecycle data loop

Learn how OEMs can securely use detailed production and operational data to provide new services like benchmarking.

Financial services

Encrypt and link both client and transaction data across banks and other institutions. Create insights that support cross-bank statistics, improve reporting and enhance anti-money laundering efforts.

Healthcare interoperability

Securely combine and analyze patient data from various healthcare providers and create secure data brokerages. Leverage secure insights to generate new revenue streams.

Innovating in the maritime sector

Learn how large vessels can use previous sailing data to better chart shipping routes, maximizing fuel usage and saving costs.


Gain insights in energy consumption trends and make optimal investment decisions on energy improvement measures - without ever revealing privacy or commercially sensitive data.

“It's fast, it's safe, it's accurate. We get the insights we need, without ever seeing citizens' personal data.”

- Ako Madomi, Municipality of Rotterdam

Curious how the platform works?

Check out the features that make Roseman Labs the world’s fastest and most user friendly encrypted computing platform.

What others say about Roseman Labs

“It's fast, it's safe, it's accurate. We get the insights we need to help our citizens, without ever seeing their personal data."

Ako Madomi Filter
Ako Madomi
Product Owner
Gemeente Rotterdam

“The team at Roseman Labs walks you through everything you need to do, step by step. We're so happy with the results that we will use them for other projects as well.”

Petra Buitenhuis
Petra Buitenhuis
Interim Director
St. Publiek Vervoer Groningen Drenthe

“Working with data in healthcare is often made so complicated and time consuming. Roseman Labs makes it fast and easy to conduct targeted healthcare research.”

Femke v.d. Wall
Femke v.d. Wall
Project leader

"We support specific initiatives vital for our European and national cyber security and strategic autonomy. Roseman Labs' solution is such an initiative."

National Cyber Security Centre NL

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